It is better to minimize the pre-assembly and assembly operations in the factory because assembly in the factory will face you with limitations. For example, the assembly structure in the factory should not be large in size, because in this case it may not be possible to move it to the project site. Therefore, it is better to assemble structures with larger dimensions and area on site. How to transport parts of prefabricated buildings is also very important.
Hierarchy of transportation and relocation of these structures for installation on site must be followed properly because there is a possibility of damage to the parts of these structures if proper and principled transportation is not followed. In some cases, the parts of a prefabricated structure may be made in a factory under a certain temperature and may suffer damage if the temperature of the outside environment changes. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to these items during the construction and assembly of these buildings.
Assembly method in prefabricated building factory
Welding joints are not used to connect different parts of these structures to each other, that’s why they are also called bolt and nut prefabricated buildings. The connection of these structures with the help of bolts and nuts has made their use suitable for the place where it is not possible to build in the traditional way. Factory assembled bolt-on prefab buildings are often built with the following uses:
- The prefabricated building of the prayer hall
- Prefab building with additional panels
- Prefab hospital panel building
- Prefab school building
- Prefab office building and meetings
In the past, the use of bolted structures was limited only to industrial complexes and sheds, while today, with significant progress in the construction of prefabricated structures, we can see wider uses of bolted prefabricated buildings. Structures with residential, office and commercial uses can also be assembled in the factory. The following are the advantages of bolted connections:
- Ability to disassemble
- No need for a large number of workers to install the project
- Low cost of installation and implementation of these structures